6 Ways to Avoid Jet Lag Once and For All

people sitting on plane chairs

We all know the feeling- being awake in the middle of the night, feeling groggy all day, and feeling generally unwell. Jetlag can ruin the first few days of your vacation. Follow these tips to avoid jet lag and get on to enjoying your next trip.

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1. Drink water….lots of water.

clean clear cold drink

A lot of jetlag comes from being dehydrated. Airplanes are incredibly drying, and you need to replace that water while traveling. Start your trip out hydrated by drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your trip and consider a hydration supplement like Nuun or Liquid IV . While flying, bring a water bottle to fill after passing through security, and avoid caffeine and alcohol, which interfere with your sleep. 

2. Stay Awake

baby eating snack on airplane

When you arrive in your destination, it is time to reset your clock. Stay awake until at least 8pm in local time. Sometimes this can be really difficult, especially if your redeye landed in the morning, but it is critical to getting a good sleep and adjusting to your destination quickly. Naps, even short ones, can impact your sleep and set you on the wrong foot.

Need an easy landing after a long overnight flight? We love using Welcome Pickups on arrival to a new destination. They provide safe, clean cars (with car seats!) and make your airport arrival seamless.

3. Take Melatonin

white bed linen

Melatonin helps tell your body that it is time to sleep. It can help you get to sleep and stay asleep in a different time zone. For kids ages 2 and up, ask your pediatrician about Tired Teddies, melatonin in a child safe dose. By using melatonin for the first few days of our trip, we help our bodies get good quality sleep until we’ve caught up to our local time zone. 

4. Get outside

baby pointing at camera while man with hat looks on in park

In your destination, be sure to get outside in the sunshine. The sun helps your internal clock reset, and helps you stay awake longer.  

5. Allow Jet Lag to Work for You

When you are already changing timezones, there is no reason you need to keep your schedule the exact same. If your child’s sleep schedule would benefit by shifting an hour or so, this is a great time to do this. We have done this several times to our advantage, usually moving bedtime and wake up time an hour later to give us more time in the evenings. At home, Eloise usually sleeps from 7pm-7am, which works best for our daycare and work schedules. On vacation, Eloise often sleeps from 8pm-8am to give us more time to enjoy dinners and evening hours in our destination

6. Fly Business Class

toast flying vacation woman
Not how our family travels, but we can dream right?!

Just Kidding! We know this isn’t a realistic option for most families, including ours. If possible, springing for extra legroom seats in economy can help your body feel more rested when you arrive in your destination.

Should we adjust our schedule before our trip?

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Maybe. Some families are able to change their schedule by one hour each day to help reduce jetlag. Because we have work and daycare schedules that are less flexible, we have never used this option, and we have always been fine.

Traveling by Airplane Soon? Check out these guides for flying with your family:

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